September Campout – Dade Ranch Shooting Sports

Dade Ranch Gober, TX

Due to some weird Covid-related circumstances we had to flip-flop our September and October campouts.  So, we’ll be shooting .22’s and shotguns at Dade Ranch a little bit earlier than normal.  We are also planning an epic Saturday night meal for Scouts and Adults so you won’t want to miss this one!

Event Series Patrol Leaders Council Meeting

Patrol Leaders Council Meeting

Custer Road United Methodist Church 6601 Custer Rd, Plano, TX

This is a Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) meeting. The PLC determines what from the past campout to "stop, start, and continue" in future campouts and reviews the plans for upcoming meetings, campouts, and activities.

October Campout – Shoot for the Moon! (Webelos are Invited!)

Dade Ranch Gober, TX

This year, we have decided to host our own Webelos Woods campout!  We will welcome several Webelos 2 dens for camping at our very own Dade Ranch. Our Scouts will be leading the Webelos through one of their Arrow of Light Adventures in the morning. Then, in the afternoon, we will be building model rockets […]