Troop Meeting (Webelos Welcome!)
Troop Meeting (Webelos Welcome!)
This will be a regular weekly troop meeting. If any Webelos would like to join us for our weekly troop meeting, please contact us!
This will be a regular weekly troop meeting. If any Webelos would like to join us for our weekly troop meeting, please contact us!
Every year our Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) attends an overnight lock-in. The scouts plan all of the campouts and activities for the upcoming year. In addition, the scouts play games, do team building activities, and learn about leadership. It is always a fun and productive evening!
All scouts in the Troop are invited, and everyone going to Eagle Rock Loop, Philmont and Northern Tier are highly encouraged to attend.
During the monthly Parent Meeting, parents review the Troop financials, upcoming events, service projects, and fundraising opportunities.
This will be our campout planning meeting for the next monthly campout. Don't forget to bring grub money! If any Webelos would like to join us for our weekly troop meeting, please contact us!
During the monthly Parent Meeting, parents review the Troop financials, upcoming events, service projects, and fundraising opportunities.
We'll be camping at Camp Meisenbach near Athens, TX. Activities will include capture the flag, chopping wood, throwing tomahawks and knives, movie, and likely an all day campfire! It's a very fun campout. As usual we will be meeting at My Possibilities parking lot at 6:15pm on Friday. If any Webelos would like to join, please […]
This is a Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) meeting. The PLC determines what from the past campout to "stop, start, and continue" in future campouts and reviews the plans for upcoming meetings, campouts, and activities.