Troop 221 Calendar

Hello Troop 221,


Just a reminder that you can view the Troop calendar on the website ( by clicking on “Calendar” in the menu on the top right. Or, you can get to it directly by going to


You can download the events to your own calendar by clicking “Export Events” at the bottom right. However, any time the calendar changes, you will need to redownload all of the events. So, I would recommend “subscribing” to the calendar. Then, you will receive automatic updates any time it changes! It takes a little more effort to setup, but will save you a lot of time in the long run.


Here are some resource on how to subscribe to a calendar:





The URL to subscribe is:


Note: if you click on the subscription link, it will only download the events. In order to get automatic updates, you need to follow the instructions above and make sure you are subscribing to the calendar.


If you have trouble or use another calendar program, let me know, and I’ll try to help.



Jason Spears

Troop 221 Webmaster



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