Event Series Patrol Leaders Council Meeting

Patrol Leaders Council Meeting

Custer Road United Methodist Church 6601 Custer Rd, Plano, TX

This is a Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) meeting. The PLC determines what from the past campout to "stop, start, and continue" in future campouts and reviews the plans for upcoming meetings, campouts, and activities.

Event Series Parent Meeting

Parent Meeting

Custer Road United Methodist Church 6601 Custer Rd, Plano, TX

During the monthly Parent Meeting, parents review the Troop financials, upcoming events, service projects, and fundraising opportunities,

Event Series Patrol Leaders Council Meeting

Patrol Leaders Council Meeting

Custer Road United Methodist Church 6601 Custer Rd, Plano, TX

This is a Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) meeting. The PLC determines what from the past campout to "stop, start, and continue" in future campouts and reviews the plans for upcoming meetings, campouts, and activities.

Event Series Parent Meeting

Parent Meeting

Custer Road United Methodist Church 6601 Custer Rd, Plano, TX

During the monthly Parent Meeting, parents review the Troop financials, upcoming events, service projects, and fundraising opportunities,

Event Series Patrol Leaders Council Meeting

Patrol Leaders Council Meeting

Custer Road United Methodist Church 6601 Custer Rd, Plano, TX

This is a Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) meeting. The PLC determines what from the past campout to "stop, start, and continue" in future campouts and reviews the plans for upcoming meetings, campouts, and activities.

First Aid Merit Badge

Custer Road United Methodist Church 6601 Custer Rd, Plano, TX

Join us as our own Mr. Gallaway teaches the First Aid Merit Badge (Eagle Required). Pizza is included and you'll have a fun time earning the First Aid Merit Badge (Eagle Required) with your buddies.