Explore OUr Adventures

Troop 221 encourages our scouts to plan and execute challenging outings. The Troop holds monthly campouts and travel out of state for summer camp. We also send two or more Scout crews on High Adventure. In early Summer, we alternate between a Buffalo National River canoe trip and a West Texas road trip. Additionally, the Troop heads to the Ouachita Mountains in the fall for our annual overnight backpacking trip.

Monthly Campouts

Our scouts camp every month from September to May. We typically stay within 3 to 4 hours from Plano. Common activities include canoeing, backpacking, cooking competitions, shooting sports, and wilderness survival. The Troop camps at state parks, military bases, private property, and the local Circle Ten Council Camps. Every year, our scouts participate in Webelo Woods at Camp James Ray. The Troop also holds a TFC transition campout at Camp Wisdom. Additionally, the scouts conduct a “Canoe Shakedown” at Camp Constantin.

Check out our recent Monthly Campouts!

Rock Climbing Campout – April 2022

April brought one of the most high adventure monthly campouts in recent Troop 221 history - rock climbing at the Wichita Mountains National...

LARP Campout – March 2022

March brings a renewed since of energy and purpose; represented usually by basketball and brackets. However, Troop 221 has their own ideas of what...

“Chill” Campout at USS Lexington – January 2022

In January, Troop 221 took advantage of the 3-day MLK weekend and headed to Corpus Christi. We spent a couple of nights aboard the USS Lexington, a...

Chicken Chopped! – December 2021

December campout, referred to as CHOPPED, was held Dec 10-12 at the YMCA Adventure Camp Pavilion located in Anna. After Lauren Hamilton collected...

Ouachita Backpacking Trip – November 2021

Troop 221 held one of our favorite campouts of the year - backpacking in the beautiful Ouachita Mountains in southeastern Oklahoma.  We started the...

Sea Base 2021

The Greyhound Patrol went on their first high adventure to Sea Base this year. They spent 5 days on a sailboat, swimming, fishing, snorkeling, and learning how to sail. They saw some amazing sea life, sunsets, and star-filled skies on their trip. This will be the...

Philmont 2021

After a couple years off due to the fires and pandemic, the Panther Patrol went on high adventure to Philmont. They spent 10 days on the trail, hiked up to Baldy Mountain, endured a rainstorm, and had an experience of a lifetime! 

Buffalo River Canoe Trip 2021

The Buffalo River Canoe Trip (BRCT) is one of Troop 221's "mini" high adventures. This year, 15 scouts and 6 adults spent 4 days canoeing and camping on the Buffalo River in Arkansas. We started further up river than usual, which allowed us to take a day hike to...

Eagle Rock Loop 2021

This was Troop 221's second trip to Eagle Rock Loop, and it is quickly becoming a staple. It is a 25 mile hike with 4000' elevation gain that takes 3 days. It is a great training hike for the scouts headed to Philmont and a good way to test gear and strategies for our...

High Adventures

Our scouts love High Adventure! So, Troop 221 sends 2 or more crews per year to Scouts BSA High Adventure Programs. Several scouts have obtained the Triple Crown for going to Sea Base, Northern Tier, and Philmont. In addition, Troop 221 has 2 annual backpacking campouts in the Ouachita Mountains, an overnighter with the entire troop and a more challenging hike for the older scouts around Eagle Rock Loop. And finally, we alternate between a Buffalo National River canoeing trip and a West Texas road trip to Guadalupe Peak, Carlsbad Caverns, Balmorhea State Park, Fort Davis, Monahans Sandhills, and McDonald Observatory.

Explore our High Adventures!

Summer Camps

Troop 221 travels out of state for summer camp to avoid the Texas heat! We charter a bus and hit the road for an overnight adventure a scout favorite! Thus, our summer camps have taken us on amazing adventures in the Rocky Mountains and the Smoky Mountains. Our scouts have recently attended summer camps at Camp Buck Toms, Camp Rainey MountainBen Delatour Scout Ranch, Woodruff Scout Camp, and more!

Learn more about our Summer Camps!

Summer Camp 2021 – Woodruff Scout Camp

Friday/Saturday, July 2 & 3 Well this is the final installment in the 2021 Summer Camp Blog.  We’ve had a week filled with adventure, minor injuries, success, excitement, homesickness, triumph, and full throttle fun!  In 2016, Woodruff Scout Camp was the first...

Take a tour of our recent adventures!